St. Olaf College | Academic Advising

Interim and Spring Semester Registration 2023

Now that registration for the interim and spring semester is open for all students, take a moment to review your advisees’ schedules. Go to SIS, under Tools, click on Advisee reports. This will give you information regarding credit load. Generally students should be enrolled in 4.0 credits each semester and 1.0 credits for interim. All first year students are required to take a class during interim; first-year students need approval from Tim Schroer, First Year and Senior Class Dean, to waive this requirement. It is possible students may be waiting for an override, but it is still a good idea to check in to see if you can provide additional support if students do not have 4.0 courses and that was their intention.

Sample Email: Less than 4.0 Credits 

Subject Line: Registration Assistance? Can I help?

 Dear <Student Name>,

I’m writing to follow up on your spring semester registration. When I checked your registration on SIS today, I noticed that you are only registered for XX credits this spring. Let’s meet ASAP to make a plan to get you into the classes you still need. Looking forward to problem solving with you!   

<Advisor Name>