Men’s Alpine Skiing at USCSA National Championships
Bend, Ore. / Mt. BachelorMen's Alpine Skiing at USCSA National Championships
Men's Alpine Skiing at USCSA National Championships
Women's Alpine Skiing at USCSA National Championships
Women's Nordic Skiing at USCSA National Championships
Men's Nordic Skiing at USCSA National Championships
Daily Chapel is a time of inspiration for body, mind, and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. Students, faculty, and staff witness to their faith and invite […]
Faculty Member, Christopher Atzinger will present a piano recital. Mr. Atzinger is a medalist of the New Orleans, San Antonio, Cincinnati, Shreveport and Seattle international piano competitions. He is also […]
Students, faculty, staff are all welcome to attend the 45th Eunice Belgum Lecturer. This year's speaker is Louis Gordon Each year for three decades the department has sponsored the Belgum […]
Students are welcome to attend "International Oles: Student-Alum Virtual Meet Up" hosted by the Piper Center for Vocation and Career and the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations.