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Daily Chapel: Maundy Thursday

Boe Memorial Chapel

The word “Maundy” is derived from mandate, that is: commandment. The overarching theme of the day is Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you,” a theme we recognize this morning. This commandment was given during Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. The love he commands stands in sharp contrast to the betrayal […]

Thursday Night Trivia

Lion's Pause - Mane Stage

Come test your trivia skills at OSA Thursday Night Trivia!  Teams and individuals are welcome! Learn more at

Worship Service: Maundy Thursday

Boe Memorial Chapel

Maundy Thursday; Service of Holy Communion. With nightfall our Lenten observance comes to an end, and we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  At the heart of the Maundy Thursday liturgy is Jesus’ commandment to love one another.  At the Lord’s table we remember Jesus’ […]

Admitted Student Day


Admitted students from the class of 2029 come to visit campus.

Service of Morning Prayer: Good Friday

Boe Memorial Chapel

Daily Chapel is a time of inspiration for body, mind, and spirit; a quiet harbor in a busy day; worship. Students, faculty, and staff witness to their faith and invite the community to join them. All are welcome! If you are unable to join us in person but would like to watch live or archived […]