
Curriculum diagram and index key

The following diagram summarizes the structure of St. Olaf’s course offerings in CS, and also the requirements for a CS major. Each circled code represents a course: the key for these codes serves as an index for accessing course descriptions.
CS1          CS 121, Principles of Computer Science
CS1+       CS 225, Accelerated Principles of Computer Science
HD           CS 241, Hardware Design
SD            CS 251, Software Design and Implementation
DS            CS 253, Algorithms and Data Structures
ESD         CS 263, Ethical Issues in Software Design
OS           CS 273, Operating Systems
PL            CS 276, Programming Languages
MCA       CS 284, Mobile Computing Applications
TOP         CS 300, Topics in Computer Science
PDC         CS 300, Topics: Parallel and Distributed Computing
BI             CS 315, Bioinformatics
TC            CS 333, Theory of Computation
LP            CS 336, Logic Programming
ATP         CS 350, Advanced Team Project
CAP         CS 390, Senior Capstone Seminar
ID259     ID259, HiPerCiC Collaborative Web Applications