Intended Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate:
- the ability to hear, identify, and work with musical elements: rhythm, pitch, harmony, structure, timbre, texture.
- the ability to read and realize musical notation fluently.
- the ability to recognize and articulate an understanding of compositional process and musical style with reference to artists, technologies, events, and cultural forces through the major periods of music history.
- the ability to use research tools and analysis independently to develop, defend, and write musical judgments.
- a trajectory of continuing growth in applying basic musicianship skills, independently, to the preparation of expressive performances informed by outcomes 1-3 above.
- understanding of several systems of musical analysis, leading to an ability to produce independent analytical work. This includes the ability to discuss, compare, and evaluate the results of various analytical procedures.
- fluency in the use of tools needed by composers such as keyboard skills, instrumentation and scoring, conducting and rehearsing skills, and applicable technologies.
- the ability to develop and express original musical thought, from concept to finished product. This entails working with both acoustic and electronic media in a variety of forms, styles, and notations.
April 2008