Faculty and Staff

Economics Home
Malabi Dass

Malabi Dass (she, her, hers)

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

Holland Hall 402

Office Hours: M & W: 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.; or by appointment

Kulsoom Hisam

Kulsoom Hisam (she, her, hers)

Assistant Professor of Economics

Holland Hall 313

Office Hours: M 12-2 pm, T 3-4 pm, and W 9-10 am, or by appointment

Adam Kaiser

Adam Kaiser

Visiting Instructor of Economics

Holland Hall 304

Office Hours: M-F 9:30-10am & 1-2pm or by appointment.

Allison Luedtke

Allison Luedtke

Associate Professor of Economics; Department Chair of Economics

Holland Hall 315

Office Hours: T: 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and W: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. or by appointment

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Urbashi Mookerjee

Urbashi Mookerjee

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

Holland Hall 405

Office Hours: MWF: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. or by appointment