St. Olaf College | Health Services

Update for Week of November 7, 2022

Health Services Update

Upper respiratory infections are common this time of year. Often this is associated with sore throat pain such as scratchiness or irritation. Most of the time it is caused by a viral infection such as a cold, flu, or COVID-19. Viral infections will resolve on their own. Strep throat is a less common type of sore throat that is caused by a bacteria and requires treatment.  

Other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection include nasal congestion, sinus pressure, cough, and fatigue. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses and thus will not help with this problem at all. Your immune system is very good at eliminating this kind of infection and should be able to clear it in 5-7 days, although the cough will sometimes last longer (up to two weeks). The treatment for a viral upper respiratory infection is symptomatic, meaning medicines or treatments to help alleviate the symptoms.

Supportive treatment includes fluids and rest. Nasal salt water irrigation or Neti Pot can be helpful. Pain relieving medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve a fever, achiness, or sore throat. Salt water gargle can also help with sore throat. You can make a salt water gargle by adding ½ teaspoon of table salt to 8 oz of warm water.

COVID-19 Updates

New COVID-19 cases, week of 10/23/22-10/29/22: 10

  • Need more tests? You can order free at home tests from the Minnesota Department of Health: When you enter your address, you will need to put in your room number  Order Your Free At-Home Rapid Tests through the State of Minnesota (
  • Use our COVID-19 reporting form to report symptoms, positive tests, or vaccination/booster updates.
  • When to test: If you feel ill with COVID like symptoms, take a COVID test (day 1 – 24 hours post onset of symptoms). If the test is negative, repeat the test 48 hours later (day 3).  If you test negative and are still concerned you may have COVID-19, you may choose to test again 48 hours after the second test (day 5).
  • Exposed to COVID-19: Start wearing a mask right away and test five full days (day 5) after the last time you were in close contact with a person with COVID-19. Your last day of contact is day zero. If your test is negative on day 5, repeat another test 24 to 48 hours later (on day 6 or 7) and continue to wear a mask for 10 full days.
  • Still have questions about how and when to use a self test? Check out this video from the CDC When to use a self test