In a college and world that is increasingly non-religious as well as religiously diverse, the Lutheran Center creates spaces to encounter Lutheran identity and tradition, navigate across lines of religious difference, and explore our individual and collective vocations in ways that open us to the needs of others. Our strategic engagement with communities of faith beyond campus puts these same principles into practice in our support, accompaniment, and resourcing of both professional and lay leaders.
Upcoming Events
The Critical Interfaith Work of the U. S. Chaplain Military Corps
Military chaplains are called to care for all people regardless of their background and to encourage people to be faithful to their own traditions in living out their callings. The vocations of military chaplains are inherently interfaith, as they are called to minister to people from all backgrounds and build bridges across difference in a variety of challenging contexts.
20th February 4pm. RSVP coming soon.
The Four Pillars Of The Lutheran Center
Strategic Engagement with Communities of Faith
The Center draws on gifts of Lutheran tradition to nourish Christian congregations and their leaders. In our work with congregations, we support deepening understanding and application of the core commitments of their traditions, foster individual and communal spiritual engagement and renewal, enhance the ability to discern and live into God’s personal and communal call, and nurture faithful leadership within and beyond congregations in ways that contribute to the common good.
Chapel Talks
Click here for all Chapel Talks given by Lutheran Center staff, student fellows, advisory and steering committee members and guest speakers we have helped to bring to campus.