St. Olaf student receives Charles H. Turner Award, presents at international conference Academics St. Olaf student receives Charles H. Turner Award, presents at international conference
Student View: One physicist’s reflections on her experience with imposter syndrome Academics Student View: One physicist’s reflections on her experience with imposter syndrome
Chemistry research lab receives scientific instrumentation from NASA Academics Chemistry research lab receives scientific instrumentation from NASA
Gift creates largest scholarship fund; music hall named in honor Giving Gift creates largest scholarship fund; music hall named in honor
St. Olaf student awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Academics St. Olaf student awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
St. Olaf physics students help little learners explore big questions Academics St. Olaf physics students help little learners explore big questions
Five St. Olaf students named Rossing Physics Scholars Academics Five St. Olaf students named Rossing Physics Scholars
Umbanhowar to deliver spring Mellby lecture on the ecology of fire Campus & Community Umbanhowar to deliver spring Mellby lecture on the ecology of fire
St. Olaf professor publishes research on natural noise-cancelling abilities of frogs Academics St. Olaf professor publishes research on natural noise-cancelling abilities of frogs