
St. Olaf College | News

Voices in Black and Brown on the Hill: A Conversation With Faculty and Staff

Members of the St. Olaf College community gathered virtually on Thursday, November 12, to listen to Voices in Black and Brown on the Hill Part I: A Conversation with Faculty and Staff.

Vice President for Equity and Inclusion Bruce King hosted and facilitated the discussion with St. Olaf faculty and staff of color, which is the second installment in a new series of Zoom discussions called Voices of Equity on the Hill. He was joined by Assistant Professor of Religion Anthony Bateza, Associate Professor of Statistics and Education Sharon Lane-Getaz, Associate Professor of Philosophy Danny Muñoz-Hutchinson, and Taylor Center for Equity and Inclusion Director María Pabón.

After sharing how their personal experiences and journeys led them to St. Olaf, the group engaged in a conversation on the many ways Black and Latinx members of the community experience the college, what they need and desire from the community, their perspectives on Ole Culture, and what it means to be Black and Brown in a moment where so much attention and awareness has been devoted to supporting BIPOC members of the community. 

King noted that he will host Voices in Black and Brown on the Hill Part II: A Conversation with Students as the next episode in the series. Tashonna Douglas ’21 will co-facilitate that discussion with students as they share their lived experiences as members of the Black and Latinx student community.

The inaugural episode of this new series focused on Bringing Anti-Racism Training up the Hill, and the panelists provided community members with a list of anti-racist readings and resources.

Stay tuned for more information on upcoming Voices of Equity on the Hill conversations.