“VOCARE” is a regular spiritual practice designed to help you discern and embrace your multiple vocations so that you can more intentionally live life on purpose for the common good. “VOCARE” invites ongoing reflection upon values, openness, call, attentiveness, regret, and the experience the sacred in everyday life.
V – Values: What do I value, and how am I living my values?
O – Openness: To what am I being asked to be open? How do I respond?
C – Call: What voices are calling to me? Which ones do I listen to, and why?
A – Attentiveness: Where am I giving my attention? Does my attention align with my values?
R – Regret: What are my regrets? What insight do I gain from them?
E – Experience the Sacred: When, where, and how have I encountered the presence of the holy in my everyday life?
What do you need?
In light of your reflection today, name what you need to lean into your vocations in the future.
“Vocare” Resources

Please click on the drop-down menu to see the available Vocare Meditation Guides, Liturgies and other resources.