the 2025 application opens MONDAY, april 7TH
You are invited to present a poster if you did research on campus or elsewhere this year!
Friday, May 2, 2025
4th Floor of Regents Hall
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm
Refreshments will be served.
Online registration is required! The registration form will open on Monday, April 7th with a deadline of April 28th, 8 am. The registration form will ask you for:
- Author(s)/Presenter(s) information
- Title of your poster
- Type of research experience
- Primary research mentor/faculty adviser
- Location and funding sources of your research
Poster printing will be done at the campus print center.
The cost of poster printing will be covered by the Mildred and Paul Hardy Endowed Fund. Please make sure everything on your poster is correct as you will only be able to print one poster. To submit your poster for printing:
- Upload your poster to this shared drive by 8am on Monday, April 28th. Please title your poster with the names of the presenters.
- Posters will be ready to be picked up after 12pm noon on Thursday, May 1st.
- Please note: the posters will be available by the first student name on the file. So if Tommy, Johnny and Mary are listed on the poster, it will be found under Tommy’s last name.
- Print Center hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday, please plan your poster pickup time accordingly
Poster Set-up: Presenters will be provided final details via email on Wednesday, April 30th. Between 5 p.m. Thursday and 12 p.m. noon Friday, presenters may locate on the 4th floor of Regents Hall their presentation location corresponding to the number provided in the email.
Presentation Timing: All presenters will be notified of their group and poster number by Wednesday, April 30th. If you have a need to be placed specifically in either group, please contact Kathie Towler to add that to your registration. Presenters with odd-numbered posters will be Group 1, presenting their research and remaining available for discussion and questions from 4:00-4:35 p.m. There will be a 5 minute break for Group 2 to get into place. Then Group 2, presenters with even-numbered posters, will present from 4:40-5:15 pm.
please contact your advisor or
Kathie Towler (RNS260, towler2).
This event is sponsored by the Paul and Mildred Hardy Endowed fund.
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