Yes, up to a maximum of two courses taught away from St. Olaf may count. Note that courses offered through Global through Global Semester, Environmental Term in Australia/New Zealand and the Oslo Summer School count as “at St. Olaf.”
In part. If you are fluent at a level above and beyond the FOL requirement, you may pursue the “Area and Regional Studies 3b, regional studies option” at a reduced level by completing a class taught in English that corresponds with the same region as your language expertise. For example, if you are bilingual in Korean and English, you can complete the area and regional studies requirement with one course focused on Korea/East Asia.
We strongly recommend you seek advice from the director of IR Concentration before signing up for off-campus classes.
Please reach out to the director of the IR Concentration to discuss your eligibility and pursue this middle path.
Yes, up to a maximum of two courses taught away from St. Olaf may count.
If you have any further questions, please contact Menevis Cilizoglu (