Course Notes:
Two new, exciting topics courses in statistics offered during Fall Semester 2021. Descriptions are below; if you have questions, please contact the professor of the course.
Stat 282A: Data Visualization (Roith) – MWF 12:55-1:50
Visualizations are an immensely popular way to summarize data and communicate it into a narrative. This course takes a deep dive into what makes an accurate, effective data visualization–from the history and grammar of graphics to fundamentals and principles of design to interactive web applications. Additional topics include geospatial reasoning, visualization critiques, and non-traditional data representations. The primary software used in this course will be R and Tableau. Come learn how to tell a compelling visual story with data. Prerequisites: MSCS 150 or MSCS 264 (or permission of instructor).
Stat 282B: High dimensional data analysis (Davila) – T 11:45-1:10, Th 12:45-2:05
Data with a high number of variables and observations has become increasingly common in areas like genomics, image analysis, text processing and internet platforms like Netflix or Facebook. This course will introduce techniques from statistics, data science and computer science that allow the analysis of such datasets using R as our programming language. Topics may include: handling data too large for memory, external data interfaces, multiple hypothesis testing, dimension reduction, and non-supervised learning. This topics course can count as a Level III elective for the Statistics and Data Science concentration. Prerequisites: MSCS 264 and MATH 220 (or permission of instructor).
Are there courses students MUST, SHOULD, or CAN take their First Year?
To answer questions like this, please visit the Academic Advising Information Page.
You are also very welcome to contact any of the Statistics and Data Science professors.
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