Strategic Priority
St. Olaf will ensure that every student has access to vocational discernment through our academic programs and expanded access to study-away programs, internships, undergraduate research experiences, and/or relevant work opportunities.

- Generate additional resources for the Collaborative Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Program, Piper Center for Vocation and Career, and the Smith Center for Global Engagement to provide need-based support for student participation in study away and experiential learning.
- Innovate and enhance the student employment program to build technical and leadership competencies aligned with character development, including the community-based work-study program.
- Enhance opportunities for alumni to connect with and support students in their vocational discernment by expanding on our existing Connections Programs.
- Ensure every student has vocational discernment opportunities through academic programs, including St. Olaf Orientation to Academics and Resources (SOAR), Design Your Life, and continuation of the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community Vocation Across the Curriculum initiative.
Strategic Priority
St. Olaf will develop an Academy for Leadership and Character.

- Establish an Academy for Leadership and Character that serves all students, with customized tracks in diverse fields — including athletics, fine arts, business, health care, civic leadership, and sustainability — with credentialing opportunities.
Strategic Priority
St. Olaf will expand on the college’s leadership in civic preparedness and engagement in partnership with the Institute for Freedom and Community.

- Establish a Civic Preparedness and Engagement Program within the Institute for Freedom and Community that integrates and expands upon the current Academic Civic Engagement program and the student volunteer programs.
- Develop an annual college theme focused on solution-seeking for the common good that is supported by our centers and integrated into the curriculum.

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