St. Olaf College | Title IX

Update on processes from the working group chair

On behalf of the Title IX Working Group, we have begun our important dialogue about the college’s policies and procedures related to sexual misconduct. We invite and will listen to the community’s concerns, opinions, and ideas, and we welcome input from experts outside the St. Olaf family as well.

St. Olaf’s policies will reflect our values as a community over and above our legal commitments. St. Olaf College does not tolerate sexual misconduct. It’s that simple.

The working group will meet for the first time on April 21. At that meeting we will establish a specific timeline and framework for our work. We will invite students who have participated in our Title IX process firsthand to one of our first meetings.

We continue to welcome recommendations, concerns, and ideas via our online form. Your input will inform and enrich our deliberations. Because the Working Group has already begun its work, we invite submissions so that the thoughts and suggestions of the community can be fully considered before the end of the academic year.

I am grateful to the St. Olaf community for placing its trust in me to lead this working group. I look forward to providing regular updates of our progress, and I welcome your thoughts and prayers.

Tim Maudlin ’73
Chair, Title IX Working Group