St. Olaf College | This Week in Science

March 6-10, 2023

Monday, March 6

MSCS Colloquium: Combining CS & Biology: Algorithms for comparing and summarizing tumor trees
Layla Oesper, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Carleton College
3:30 pm, RNS 310

Biology Seminar: Remote Sensing and Estimating Carbon Stocks on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada
Charles Umbanhowar, Jr., Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies, St. Olaf College
4 PM, RNS 410

Tuesday, March 7

No Seminar

Wednesday, March 8

Physics Seminar: Phighting Cancer with Physics: The role of a medical physicist in radiation oncology
Nellie Brovold, clinical medical physicist at Mayo Clinic
3:00PM, RNS 210

Chemistry AC/DC Literature Primer:  Cancer, pre-cancer, and normal oral cells distinguished by dielectrophoresis and
Label-free enrichment of fate-based human neural stem and progenitor cells
Members of the Adams Lab at UC Irvine
Noon,  Zoom room: (link) 916 2912 2472  Pass: Dielectro

Thursday, March 9

Psychology Allport Award Talk: Indigenous persistence, resistance, and innovation in the state of Minnesota
Brenna Greenfield ’06, PhD, LP, is an associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth Campus
3:45PM, RNS 150

Friday, March 10

Chemistry Seminar:Controlling The Self-Assembly, Optical Properties, and Thermoreversibility of Inorganic-Functionalized Responsive Polymers via Polymer Architecture, Inorganic Content and Co-Solvent Addition
Michelle Calabrese, PhD, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mat Science, University of MN
3:15 pm, RNS 410

MSCS Research Seminar: Discrete Frames for High-Dimensional Data
Kristopher Hollingsworth, Asst. Professor of Mathematics, MN State University Mankato
3:30 pm, RNS 204