
The St. Olaf Music Department creates inspiring musical experiences grounded in an inclusive liberal arts environment, challenging students to excel artistically and engage globally for lives within and beyond the professional music world.

Music – Upcoming Events

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St Olaf Music has a robust academic department. Learn more about the variety of programs.

Academics in the Music Dept

Ensembles at St Olaf

St. Olaf is well known for our award-winning ensembles. With seven choirs, two orchestras, two concert bands, two jazz bands, and a variety of chamber ensembles, there is a place for everyone to find a musical home.

Ensembles at St Olaf
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Music Performance Studies

Our Music Performance Faculty are second to none. We offer a wide selection of voice and instrumental lessons for anyone to study.

Music Performance Studies
Photo by Steven Garcia/St. Olaf College

Community Engagement

Ole Musicians are involved in a variety of community engaged projects including curricular and co-curricular experiences. Find out more about opportunities to make an impact!

Community Engagement
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Future Ole Musicians

Are you interested in being a Future Ole Musician? You will find all you need to know on how to begin the application process to music scholarships and deadlines.

Future Ole Musician Information
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Current Ole Musicians

Are you currently an Ole musician? Here’s where to find all things you need in the Music Department including calendars, forms, degree information, recital information and more.

Are you new to St. Olaf this year?  Here’s a page with information to get you started!

Current Ole Musicians

St. Olaf College prohibits all forms of unlawful discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Director of Equal Opportunity. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at

Music Department News

The St. Olaf College Music Department is accredited by NASM, the National Association of Schools of Music.

St. Olaf Music Department Response to Racial Injustice and Systemic Racism

We, the faculty and staff of the St. Olaf College Music Department, condemn the murder of George Floyd, just 40 miles from our campus, and the countless acts of violence against Black bodies across the United States that have continued over the centuries to this day. We recognize that these acts represent but a small portion of the physical and verbal racism our Black colleagues, students, alumni, and fellow musicians face daily. We join voices with people of all races and creeds around the world protesting injustice. With them, we call for the end of racist law enforcement practices and of systemic racism, prejudice, and violence in all forms.

While we acknowledge efforts of the past, we recognize that St. Olaf College and the St. Olaf Music Department have failed to provide an environment in which all students, staff, and faculty of color thrive. We are dealing with systemic failings, masked by the prevailing campus culture at St. Olaf, a culture defined by centering Whiteness. We live and work in a society permeated by racism, anti-Blackness, and the marginalization and erasure of the lives, work, and voices of Black, Brown, and Indigenous People. We must engage in anti-racist action to further the cause of equity for all. We are determined to do the individual and collective work necessary to create more equitable, more inclusive, and more culturally-relevant learning environments for our students.

  • We commit to investigating and interrogating the role of white supremacy in our departmental, collegiate, and national history.
  • We commit to examining our pedagogies, the cultural practices of our department, and those of the college, to recognize and end those that inflict violence against Black bodies and create an inequitable environment at St. Olaf.
  • We commit to developing and implementing anti-racist, culturally inclusive pedagogies and policies that foster the liberation and self-actualization of our students through music.
  • We commit to working with our students to help them understand their responsibility in being active participants in this work.

As musicians, we are trained to listen.
We will be listening intently for voices that have been silenced and muted.

Black Lives Matter.