St. Olaf College | St. Olaf Alumni

Dawn Schaefer Stumpf ’92

Dawn Schaefer Stumpf has partnered with her teenage son, Tobias Stumpf, and published the fast selling book, Journal of an ADHD Kid. Originally self-published, the book has been picked up by national publishing house, Woodbine Press, out of Maryland. The book is due out Fall of 2014! Journal of an ADHD Kid is a positive, interactive book for kids with ADHD—hyperactive or inattentive types—their families, and therapists. This is the first book of its kind, written from the experiences and expertise of the child living with a brain that is wired differently. Dawn is currently an elementary educator and Toby will be attending high school in 2014-2015. For more information, check out Woodbine’s online page, Journal of an ADHD Kid’s Facebook page, or blog at