The American Chemical Society (ACS) is dedicated to building and supporting an anti-racist, inclusive, and equitable community of chemists across the world. Here are a few of their public statements:
ACS’s Diversity, inclusion, & Respect Commitments and Activities
Statement of Equity and Inclusion in the Chemical Science – Melanie Sanford
ACS’s Confronting Racism in Chemistry Journals
ACS’s Anti-Racism Statement (response to George Floyd’s death)
Links to National Professional Organizations
Scientific professional organizations are dedicated to creating an inclusive and equitable community of scientists, providing resources for its members to advance their careers, and celebrating their members’ successes. These organizations are great places to find and network with other scientists in the field and learn more about the amazing science happening across the nation. The scientific community is highly diverse and several professional organizations have been created to best serve and support traditionally underserved groups. Below is a list of some of these organizations. If you are interested in finding out more about one of these organizations, joining one, or even going to one of their conferences, please check out their websites and reach out to the chemistry faculty at St. Olaf with any questions. We would be happy to help!
Society of the Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (OSTEM) – LGBTQ+ people in science
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
Association of Women Scientists (AWIS)
This is an actively growing list and will be continuously updated.
DiversifyChem is an open source database dedicated to highlighting the diversity of chemists across the world. This database is often used by universities to identify prospective speakers and diverse candidates for open positions. Individuals can voluntarily share their current position, contact information, and how they identify themselves. This is a great resource for you to increase your visibility within the chemical science community and find chemists with similar life-experiences to you.
DEI in Analytical Chemistry Slack: There is a grassroots effort that has now been folded into the Analytical Chemistry ACS Division; the group maintains a Slack focused on DEI in Analytical Chemistry with multiple channels that focus on different initiatives. You can access #diversifyseminars that highlight contributions of scientists to the field, #dei_intheclassroom resources, #job listings in the field, #safespaces for underrepresented scientists and allies, etc. You can see some information on the web site portal and request to be added to the Slack.