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Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Cambridge A Level Policy

The St. Olaf Department of Economics awards credit for Econ 111 to students who (1) receive scores of 4 and above on EITHER the AP Macroeconomics or the AP Microeconomics Examination or (2) receive a score of 5 on the IB Higher Level (HL) Examination in Economics. The Department recommends that students thus qualifying for Econ 111 credit be placed in Economics 121 if they wish to enroll in an economics class here at St. Olaf.

The Economics Department awards credit for Econ 121 to (1) students who receive scores of 4 and above on BOTH the AP Macroeconomics and the AP Microeconomics Examinations and (2) students who earn a 6 or a 7 on the IB Higher Level (HL) Examination in Economics and (3) earn grade A* or A on the Cambridge A Level (CAL) in Economics. The Department recommends that students thus qualifying for Econ 121 credit be placed in a Level 2 analysis course if they wish to enroll in an economics class here at St. Olaf.

Students interested in obtaining AP, IB, or CAL credit must report their scores to the Registrar at St. Olaf, either by requesting that the appropriate testing service send their scores to the College, or by sending copies of the score report form directly to the Registrar.

Read more details on St. Olaf’s advanced placement policy.