[Faculty Handbook Category #2]
- All examinations and tests are conducted under the Honor System. If tests are duplicated, the Honor Pledge must be printed in full on the answer sheet.
- As a matter of general practice, the teacher should give students one week’s advance notice for full-period examinations.
- An in-class examination shall be designed to fit within the length of the class period for which it is scheduled. Students are not to commence work on an in-class examination prior to the beginning of the class period, nor to continue working on it beyond the end of the class period. Alternative arrangements for an in-class examination may be made for individual students (such as those with documented disabilities) who need special accommodation.
- Any examination given outside of the scheduled class period is considered an out-of-class examination. Faculty must allow a minimum of 24 hours within which students may complete an out-of-class exam, even if the exam is timed (e.g. students are to work on the exam for a maximum of 2 hours).
- Faculty must take extraordinary care to ensure that some students are not given advantages over others during an examination period.
- Final Examinations