The LAC Steering Committee’s membership is decided by volunteering. The program director emails all instructors who have recently taught a LAC section, and invites them to be on the Committee. Membership is typically 5 or 6 people, depending on availability.
Maria Vendetti
Director of Language Across the Curriculum
Associate Professor of Romance Languages – French
French Section Head
Christopher L. Chiappari
Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology
Anne H. Groton
Professor of Classics
Department Chair of Classics
Director of Ancient and Medieval Studies
Amanda Randall
Associate Professor of German
Department Chair of German
Hsiang-Lin Shih
Associate Professor of Asian Studies
Jenna Coughlin
Assistant Professor of Norwegian
Norwegian Section Head
Jill Watson
Associate Professor of Education
Livi Yoshioka-Maxwell
Associate Professor of Romance Languages – French