St. Olaf College | College Ministry

Remember That You Are Dust: Lent 4

Psalm 141:1-2

For many of us, we may not think about our theology until it gets tested. When we experience grief or stress or pain, when we suffer in body or mind or spirit, we ask the difficult yet important questions about how we understand God. Is God punitive? Is God distant? Does God love and accompany us even when we feel alone?

Likewise, we may not think about our ethics until they are tested. When choices between serving ourselves and loving our neighbor become less clear, when the impact of our actions do not seem readily apparent, we rely upon the ethical compass that has served and guided us throughout our lives.

This is certainly a strange time. Many of us are self-isolating and practicing social distancing. Others are called to a variety of services, risking their health for the greater health of their communities. As Christians, our lives and theology must always be in conversation.

During Lent, we are reminded that we are capable of loving and serving our neighbor in ways that transform lives. We are also capable of neglecting and hurting our neighbors by things said and done and by things unsaid and undone. We are uniquely called this Lent to consider how our actions, our very coming and going, may impact the lives and health of those we are called to love. All the while, we trust that God loves and cares for us and for all of creation.

Let our prayers come before you as incense, O God, and remind us daily of your loving presence.