Colloquium Series for all MSCS students
What is a “colloquium” and why should you go to one? A colloquium is an academic seminar that is a staple in many departments at St. Olaf. Being exposed to new topics and staying informed about developments in a field are hallmarks of learning in a liberal arts environment. The MSCS colloquium series tends to rotate among the three programs. One week you might learn about a professor’s research in knot theory, the next you’ll learn about an epidemiological study, and later you might see some of the interesting mobile apps that CS students have built. In MSCS we don’t require that majors and concentrators attend colloquia, but we hope you’ll choose to go as often as your schedule permits. You’ll learn something, and you’ll get a nice afternoon treat to enjoy! Join us most Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm in RNS 310. Visit the MSCS Events Calendar to see who will be giving a talk.
Research Seminars for upper-level MSCS students
The research seminar is a more advanced version of the colloquium series and tends to focus on mathematics more than the other programs. Typically a professor either from St. Olaf or a nearby institution talks about his or her research area in a reasonably accessible way. Some of us understand these talks from start to finish, others hang on for only a portion of the hour; regardless, they expose students and faculty to new areas of mathematical research and show us all that can be found beyond the standard undergraduate curriculum. Join us most Fridays, 3:40 – 4:30pm in RNS 204. Visit the MSCS Events Calendar to see who will be giving a talk.
Problem-solving Group for all students
Join us Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 in RNS 204. The Math Problem-solving Group meets regularly to work on a variety of problems and to discuss problem-solving strategies. While the primary focus of the group is to have some fun thinking about interesting problems, students can also use the meetings to prepare for several national and regional mathematics contests. All interested students are welcome, regardless of courses taken. For more information, contact Prof. Berliner, Prof. Diveris or Prof. Wright, or visit the Problem-solving website.
Special Events in MSCS
Some of the special events include, Game Nights, Northfield Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium, Math Across the Cannon (speaker series collaborative with Carleton College), Relaxation Station in RMS 3rd floor during finals week in the fall and spring. Visit the MSCS Events Calender to see what’s happening.