Three St. Olaf faculty members receive grants for new artistic works Arts Three St. Olaf faculty members receive grants for new artistic works
Jazz trio featuring two St. Olaf professors releases new album Music Jazz trio featuring two St. Olaf professors releases new album
Nordstrom-Loeb to deliver spring Mellby Lecture Campus & Community Nordstrom-Loeb to deliver spring Mellby Lecture
German professor publishes article in bilingual anthology Academics German professor publishes article in bilingual anthology
Course explores Eastern philosophy by blending liberal arts, martial arts Featured Course explores Eastern philosophy by blending liberal arts, martial arts
St. Olaf announces faculty promotions and tenure Featured St. Olaf announces faculty promotions and tenure
St. Olaf’s FLAC program featured in French journal Featured St. Olaf’s FLAC program featured in French journal
Student discusses digital humanities with Chronicle of Higher Education Featured Student discusses digital humanities with Chronicle of Higher Education
Professor’s novel optioned for possible TV series Featured Professor’s novel optioned for possible TV series
Student-faculty duo develops website examining ethical issues Featured Student-faculty duo develops website examining ethical issues