- On the Faculty/Staff college portal there is a blue R25 button on the left of the page, to the right of the Gmail button.
- This takes you to the Scheduling page with policies and detailed instructions.
Please clear your browsing history…OROpen a new “incognito” session. Here is a link to how to open an Incognito Session in chrome
- Click on the left-hand navigation “R25 WebViewer” to get you to the room schedule for today.
- Scroll across the top of the chart to the preferred time (bold times are p.m.) then down to the room. If the room is available it will be white. Gray areas are already reserved and unavailable. Click on the white box in the preferred time and room.
- This brings up the St. Olaf sign-in, followed by the R25 form.
- Check that the time range is correct.
- Fill in the required data in red.
- For repeat dates check the ad hoc button and choose each date, via the drop-down box, for up to one academic year time period.
- Rooms cannot (or will not) be reserved for off-campus groups until approval process has been met. Rooms reserved without approval are subject to rental fees.
- Rooms cannot be reserved for events hosting one or more minors until approval process has been met.
Once the submit button has been clicked, an automatic email is generated stating the request was sent to the schedulers. After confirmed (or denied) a second email with that information is sent.
Need help? Check out this R25-PowerPoint.