150th Shield
The St. Olaf 150th anniversary shield is inspired by the historic graphic treatment of the STO initials, which now gives composition to the 150 numbers.
Graphics should always be applied in one of our black and gold versions. Alternative options due to production limitations need to be approved by the Marketing and Communications department.
150th Message Adaptability
Department Graphics
The sesquicentennial identity was created with the intention of providing adaptability for all areas of the college and other organizations to be able to make it their own. Departments and organizations can request their own version to use in their materials.

150th Anniversary Applications
For all departments, centers, and organizations part of St. Olaf College
The graphic assets provided throughout this site in addition to the style guide are meant to inform the correct applications of the 150th assets. If you have any questions or need to request approval for an application please contact us.

150th Stationery Orders
In partnership with the Print Center, special editions of some stationery with the 150th anniversary logos will be available to departments on demand.
Available Stationery
- Letterhead
- Envelopes
- Cards
Incorrect Uses
Only use the official, unaltered versions of the sesquicentennial graphics.
Alterations and special versions must be approved by the Marketing and Communications Office.