[Faculty Handbook Category #3]
The personal possession of handguns in all campus buildings and on all campus property is strictly prohibited. This prohibition applies to all employees, independent contractors, and visitors, including those who have a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. Individuals who possess a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon may, however, keep the weapon locked in the trunk or glove compartment of their vehicle in the parking lot. Employees, independent contractors and temporary employees also are prohibited from possessing handguns or other weapons while operating a college vehicle or while engaging in college business off-premises, except in the individual’s own home. This weapons prohibition does not apply to authorized security or law enforcement personnel.
The possession of any other weapons, such as, knives, ammunition, explosives and fireworks, is also prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary action. In addition, the use or possession of any of the above weapons, to include bows and arrows, slingshots, water balloon launchers, decorative swords and weaponry, knives, martial arts equipment, BB or pellet guns and other potentially hazardous items, are expressly prohibited on the St. Olaf campus.
If you are aware that a student, co-worker, visitor, or other individual possesses a handgun or other weapon in violation of this policy, you should immediately report the conduct at issue to Public Safety at 507-786-3666 or the Northfield Police at 911.
Use of weapons, violence and threats of violence are strictly prohibited on campus and at any St. Olaf-related off-premises event. If you become aware of a threat of violence or other harm to persons or property, you should take the following actions, even if you think the threat may be only a joke:
(1) Obtain emergency assistance in any situation that you feel is an emergency;
(2) Take immediate action to protect yourself and others from harm where you can do so safely; and
(3) Advise one of the following people of the situation: immediate supervisor, Public Safety, or the Northfield Police.
Any violation of this policy by employees, independent contractors, and visitors will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment or presence on campus.