The St. Olaf Javanese Gamelan Ensemble was established in 2019 after Mary Shamrock ’58 generously donated the instruments to the College. A gamelan consists of a large number of bronze gongs and metallophones of different sizes, a set of drums, as well as elaborating instruments such as a zither, a bowed fiddle, and a flute. Each set of instruments receives an individual name — the St. Olaf set, first commissioned by Shamrock, is Gamelan Kyai Kumbul, with “kumbul” meaning “growth.”
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It’s been gratifying to broaden students’ exposure to non-Western music and see the joy they have in joining together.Mary Shamrock ’58

Taylor Center Open House
The Gamelan class entertained at the Taylor Center open house in 2019.
Rehanna L Kheshgi (she, her, hers / they, them, theirs)
Associate Professor of Music – Ethnomusicology; Gamelan
Rehanna Kheshgi introduces the Inaugural Kyai Kumbul Concert
Mary Shamrock (’58) describes the journey of this particular set of gamelan instruments
Lancaran Sayuk Slendro Pathet Manyuro and Ratna Sari dance
Lagu Dolanan Pemut Slendro Manyuro and Bubaran Udan Mas
Ladrang Kagok and Lancaran Serayu Pelog Pathet Limo
Lagu Dolanan Pemut Slendro Manyuro and Bubaran Udan Mas