Brass Studies

Studies in Brass

  • Brass students have the opportunity to perform as soloists in solo recitals, group recitals and studio classes.
  • Chamber music opportunities exist for brass ensembles or varied instrumentation.
  • The large ensembles frequently feature student soloists on concert programs, tour programs and in the St. Olaf Orchestra’s annual Senior Soloists concert in May.
  • St. Olaf also offers course in literature and pedagogy, which focus on methods of teaching and include opportunities to teach.

Students take lessons with one of our 6 faculty


Students participate in ensembles and lessons


major in something other than music

Trumpet – Band

Brass Faculty

Joseph Lee Jefferson

Joseph Lee Jefferson (he, him, his)

Associate Professor of Music – Jazz/Commercial Trombone; Director, St. Olaf Jazz Ensembles

Christiansen Hall of Music 225

Office Hours: Schedule an appointment HERE

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