St. Olaf College | New Students

Week of July 4th, 2021

Greetings, Ole!

Oles, on a scale of nervous to excited, how are you feeling about finding out your housing and roommate assignments? (Hint: We want you to be excited!)

Housing assignments will be coming out by the end of July and we’ve got Residence Life on our minds! How will you decorate your room? Which of our ten residence halls will you call home? Who will your roommate(s) be? It is possible that you have already had some sort of residential experience at another college or university and in some ways, your residential experience at St. Olaf may look similar to what you are used to. It also is quite possible that living in a residence hall (or sharing a room with someone else) will be new for you. Regardless of your past living configurations, our residential community is one of the best parts of the St. Olaf experience.

Trust us, with the many Oles coming before you, the Residence Life staff know what they are doing — though you may not become best friends with your roommate (and that’s okay), some people actually do! For anyone feeling a little nervous, we recently polled a few recent Oles who have stayed close with their roommate to get their thoughts, feedback, and wise words of advice for you all specifically. Here’s what they have to say:

“Be outgoing to everyone you meet! I didn’t know anyone going into college, and my best friends I met freshman year: my roommate and other guys who lived a few doors down from me in Hoyme. My roommate and I lived together all four years, and in a pod with all of my friends for two years. Don’t be shy because everyone is trying to find connections, and it could end up being a friendship for a lifetime.” (2020 Ole Grad)

This Week’s To-Dos:

  1. If you have not your required Summer NSO Module, do so right away!
  2. A reminder to fill out the Advising Questionnaire if you haven’t already done so – was due on June 30
  3. Check out our virtual Affinity Space Zoom drop-ins! This week’s space is for international students – July 7 at 8:00 AM CST
If you have yet to do so, make sure that you take a moment to register for NSO by clicking the button below!


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