St. Olaf College | New Students

Week of August 15th, 2021

Greetings, Ole!

As Move-In Day gets closer, we’re sure you’re feeling like you have a million things to do in preparation. For today, let’s just focus on the exciting things you have ahead of you. Your time on the Hill will be filled with a variety of experiences; from New Student Orientation, intramural sports, studying abroad, Caf meals, good conversations with professors, sledding on campus, and much more.

For those of you taking part in NSO, two people you will meet on Move-In Day are your St. Olaf Orientation to Academics and Resources (SOAR) leaders! Your SOAR group consists of the students in your First-Year Seminar or Writing and Rhetoric course and will provide a place to create community, access resources, and meet new people through small group activities and discussions led by your SOAR Leaders.

If you are taking part in NSO Transfer Track, you will also have SOAR leaders, but you will get to know them once the semester begins. As we kick off your orientation, you will meet your Transfer Student Mentor (TSM)! TSMs are Oles that also joined our community as transfer students so they can understand the transfer transition to life on the Hill. We’re excited for you to meet them!

Every Ole’s experience will look different, but one thing everyone has in common is the ability to engage in endless opportunities to explore who you are and meet new friends. We asked several Oles to talk about some of their favorite experiences on the Hill, and give you a small taste of what you have to look forward to. The time to start picturing yourself here is now!

Click the below image to learn more!

This Week’s To-Dos:

  1. Register for Handshake (the Piper Center’s online career platform)!
  2. Start planning your packing list!
Looking for information from a past email? We’ve cataloged past email communications on our website so you don’t miss anything.