St. Olaf College | New Students

Week of August 8th, 2021

Phew! It’s already the second week of August!

In just a few short weeks, you’ll be starting life as an Ole on the Hill. So far, we’ve covered some big to-dos, but there’s more to living and learning on the Hill than just your classes and where you’ll sleep and eat. How else do you want to contribute to the St. Olaf community? Where will you find friends who share your passions, and how will you turn the classes you enjoy into a major that fulfills you?

Did you know that your interests outside of the classroom are just as important and valuable to your growth and success as a St. Olaf student? Now is a great time to think about what co-curricular activities are of interest to you! The Summer NSO Module introduced you to some of the opportunities sponsored by resources like our Office of Student Activities (feel free to check out our student organizations on Presence!) so you start your exploration and ask yourself some questions about how you want to shape your St. Olaf experience.

That said, there’s no pressure to figure this all out right away, or even in your first year of college. We’re here to provide you with resources and skills to decipher this all for yourself, but we know it can take a while — we expect it to. If you’re not sure where to start there are staff and faculty members who are committed to supporting you each step of the way.

This Week’s To-Dos:

  1. Some of you may have received an email about the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement! Check your email for the survey invitation sent by Dean Schroer on Aug. 7. The survey will remain open until Aug. 28. If you did not receive an email, no need to worry.
  2. Check out our virtual Affinity Space Zoom drop-ins! This week’s space is for first-generation students – August 11 at 3:00 PM.
If you have yet to do so, make sure that you take a moment to register for NSO by clicking the button below!


Is this your first email from us? Welcome! We’ve cataloged past email communications on our website so you don’t miss anything.