Title: Graduation Holds and Perkins Exit Counseling
Procedure No: STO-45
Effective Date: 09-01-2009
Issuing Authority: Student Accounts Office
Contact: Student Accounts at tuition@stolaf.edu, 507-786-3296 or 866-640-4702
Last Updated: 08-17-2021
Purpose of Procedures:
To ensure that student accounts are paid in full and federal guidelines are followed for the Perkins Loan Program.
Who needs to know these Procedures:
All St. Olaf College students.
Graduating students must have their accounts paid in full before graduation in order to receive their diploma on Commencement Day. They must also complete their Perkins Exit counseling online prior to graduation. Students will be allowed to participate in commencement ceremonies, but will not be given their diploma until these two items are complete.
Outstanding Balances
Seniors are sent bills and email reminders for any outstanding balances at the beginning of May. The balances are due the Wednesday before Commencement Day. If a balance is not paid in full prior to then, the student will have a hold placed on their diploma and any future registration.
Perkins Exit Counseling
Emails are sent to students who must complete the Perkins Exit counseling before graduation. The student must complete this online by the Wednesday before Commencement Day in order to receive their diploma on Commencement Day.