Title: Student Work applied to Tuition Account
Procedure No: STO-15
Effective Date: 09-01-2009
Issuing Authority: Student Accounts Office
Contact: Student Accounts at tuition@stolaf.edu, 507-786-3296 or 866-640-4702
Last Updated: 04-01-2021
Purpose of Procedures:
To allow students who participate in student work to apply their earnings to their student account.
Who needs to know these Procedures:
All St. Olaf College students.
Students who have signed the Student Payment Method Form can have their student work earnings applied to their tuition account. Total earnings will depend on the total number of hours worked. Students are not guaranteed to earn the full amount of their work award. Once a student is placed into a position, it is their responsibility to work with their supervisor to arrange hours. Effective Fall 2019, work awards will no longer be listed on the billing statement as anticipated financial aid and can not be left as an unpaid balance in anticipation of earning the work study award.
Paychecks issued in October, November, December, and January will be applied to semester I. Paychecks issued in February, March, April, May, and June will be applied to semester II.