All Students Need to Complete The Following Four Forms Before Working
I-9 Employment Verification – Initiated in oracle after you accept a job offer
Review the steps below to learn the recommended how to complete section 1 and section 2 of your I-9 form.
Federal W-4 Tax Withholdings
*When you log into Oracle, go to the “Journey’s” tile, an onboarding checklist with your W-4 will be available to you on your start date.
Minnesota W-4 Tax Withholdings
*When you log into Oracle, go to the “Journey’s” tile, an onboarding checklist with your W-4 will be available to you on your start date.
Payment Authorization Form
*When you log into Oracle, go to the “Journey’s” tile, an onboarding checklist with your W-4 will be available to you on your start date.
New to Student Employment (“pending workers”):
(Click on the orange text to access the corresponding links)
- 1) First apply for a job in Oracle.
- You will not be able to complete your required employment paperwork or receive an Oracle account until after you have applied for a job.
- Visit the Oracle Job Opportunities webpage to view openings.
- 2) Once you have applied to a job in Oracle and received a job offer (via an email notification from Oracle), you must then respond to the job offer. To respond you will need to click the link in the congratulatory job offer email sent from Oracle. After you click the link, you will see the offer, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “accept” or “decline”.
- A separate email will prompt students to enter “sensitive information” which includes the following:
- Date of Birth
- Country
- Social security number/national identifier
- This information is required for your Oracle profile – please make sure to add it or your Oracle profile cannot be completed.
- 3) After a pending worker accepts an Oracle job offer, please expect a 1-3 business day delay before being able to access Oracle. This delay occurs because HR must complete a manual data entry task before new student employees can successfully log into Oracle.
- When the data entry task is complete, pending workers will have access to Oracle. Students must check periodically to see if they have access by clicking the “company single sign-on” button on the Oracle Login page.
- 4) Complete ‘Section 1’ of your I-9 form.
- Once pending workers have access to Oracle, they will then be able to complete ‘Section 1’ of the I-9 form through the “Journey’s” tile on the Oracle Homepage.
- When you begin the I-9 form, be aware: if you list the current calendar date as your start date, you only have a 3 day window to complete ‘Section 2’ of the form with Human Resources.
- 5) After pending workers complete ‘Section 1’ of the I-9 form, they will need to schedule an appointment with HR to complete ‘Section 2’ of the I-9 form.
- Schedule an appointment with Luke Wood in the HR office, located in Tomson Hall 180A, or stop by during drop in hours on a Tuesday or Wednesday from 2pm – 4pm with your required identification documents. View the list of acceptable documents. You must provide either:
- [1] one item from List A;
- OR [1] one item from List B and [1]one item from List C.)
- Note: documents must be original, no photos or copies accepted.
- 6) Visit HR for your scheduled appointment. Afterwards, HR will complete a process in Oracle that will result in you receiving a timecard for your respective job.
- 7) When Section 1 AND 2 of the I-9 are fully complete, pending workers will be converted into an employee in Oracle and receive a timecard.
- The student onboarding checklist (W4s and payment method paperwork) will be available to students in Oracle on your position’s effective start date.
Please review and explore these helpful resources (click on the texts below to access the corresponding links):