St. Olaf College students are expected to abide by federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances (see Proscribed Conduct) and college policies. When violations of the Code of Conduct involve conduct that may also violate a law or ordinance, the matter may be referred to the appropriate outside law enforcement agencies for disposition in addition to or in lieu of any college conduct process. The college will cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities in the performance of their duties.
Action, which results in a student being involved in legal proceedings in civil or criminal court, does not free the student of responsibility for his or her conduct in the college conduct process. If a student is charged in both jurisdictions, the college generally will not postpone or delay its process, but will proceed with the conduct process according to the timetable prescribed in the code of conduct. Conduct action at the college will not be subject to challenge on the ground that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.
The college also reserves the right to initiate conduct proceedings against students who have been formally charged by legal authorities with criminal violations that occurred off-campus or who may have otherwise committed an action off-campus which may be impact the security or safety of the college community or the integrity of the educational process or otherwise constitute a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Such discretion rests with the President of the college or the President’s designee.
Standards of Classroom Behavior
While in the classroom, students are expected to behave in a manner that is nondisruptive, respectful, and safe. Classroom behavior should follow guidelines established by the individual professor. Students who engage in prohibited or unlawful acts may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class or dismissal on conduct grounds generally will be preceded by a conduct adjudication meeting pursuant to the Code of Conduct. The college reserves the right to impose an Interim Suspension pending the adjudication of an alleged violation of the Code, when the college determines such measures are necessary to protect members of the college community or otherwise determined by the college to be appropriate.
The term “prohibited acts” would include behavior prohibited by the instructor (e.g., persistent speaking out without being called upon, refusing to be seated, disrupting the class by leaving and entering the room without authorization, etc.). While students are expected to speak and act in a respectful manner, the lawful expression of disagreement with the instructor or others is not in itself disruptive behavior. The Code will not be used to punish respectful classroom dissent.