Founded in 1874 by Norwegian Lutheran immigrants, St. Olaf is a nationally ranked liberal
arts college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America located in Northfield, Minnesota.
minutes from the Twin Cities.
acre campus with 32.5 acres of restored wetlands, woodlands, and native tallgrass prairie.
enrolled students with 95% living on campus.
academic calendar

“St. Olaf has defined the best education that can be had as a residential liberal arts education. We bring students together to this campus on a hill, place them in community with one another, and open to them the faculty and the curriculum of the college. We do this not to prepare them for any particular occupation but rather to provide them with the base of knowledge, the skills and proficiencies, the experiences, and the habits of mind and heart that will enable them to flourish in whatever future awaits them.”
A St. Olaf education embraces the entire undergraduate experience. Students learn not only in the classroom, but also in residence halls, rehearsal rooms, practice fields, worship services, student employment, and community organizations. These diverse learning opportunities work together to help students achieve a comprehensive set of college-wide learning goals.
of alumni agree that non-classroom interactions with faculty contributed to their personal growth, values and attitudes.
of alumni agree that their experience substantially contributed to their integrative and creative thinking skills.
of alumni agree that their experience substantially contributed to their critical thinking skills.
of seniors agree that their experience substantially contributed to their ability to write clearly and effectively.
The College has several ongoing initiatives
to support our mission as well as an overall
strategic plan.