Oles are doers, and that fact is borne out in our work in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields.
We take a collaborative interdisciplinary, and investigative approach to learning and research, applying science and mathematics as part of the solution to every major global issue from climate change to world hunger, bioterrorism and the cure for cancer.
for our science lab facility according to the Princeton Review
of PhD earners in mathematics/statistics, chemistry, and biology
of students participate in experiential learning opportunities that include internships, research or community-based work study
Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research
Interdisciplinary Concentrations ►
Interdisciplinary Concentrations ▼
Interdisciplinary Facilities ►
Interdisciplinary Facilities ▼
Faculty ►
Faculty ▼
Conversations and Learning Communities ►
Conversations and Learning Communities ▼
Liberal Arts Context ►
Liberal Arts Context ▼
NSM students and faculty are actively involved in research. Students’ earliest experiences often take the form of complex projects in lab courses and progress to student-faculty collaboration as students become engaged in projects that capture their interest.
About Regents Hall for Natural Sciences
A Green Building ►
A Green Building ▼
Designed for Interdisciplinary Studies ►
Designed for Interdisciplinary Studies ▼
Key Features ►
Key Features ▼

St. Olaf Research: Hawaiian parasitic flies develop better hearing to locate host crickets

A whale of a research experience

Programming Success: Computer Science + The Liberal Arts

Honoring the 2024 St. Olaf Alumni Award winners

A career in research that has made a difference for patients and public health

Two St. Olaf students named Rossing Physics Scholars

St. Olaf student receives Charles H. Turner Award, presents at international conference

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