Agenda for GIS Workshop, June 9-10, 2003
(facilitated by Charles Umbanhower, Jr.)
(facilitated by Charles Umbanhower, Jr.)
June 9
12:00 – 12:45 Introduction and Welcome and Basic Issues with Map MakingProjection, Coordinate System, Scale and Resolution ARC Family of Products and Arc 8.1
12:45- 2:00 ArcMap and Basics of Construction of Any Map
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15 -2:45 Follow-Up Questions to Early Session
2:45-3:30 Data Sources (need a WWW or other handout)
3:30- 4:00 Introduction to ArcCatalog
4:00-5:00 Data Acquisition Exercise and Introduction to Storage Formats
June 10
9:00- 9:30 Follow-up and Questions from Previous Day
9:30 -10:30 Editing and Creating New Data Layers
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:30 Editing and Creating New Data Layers Continued
11:30-12:30 Buffering and Data Query