Faculty Travel – What’s Available?
Funds are available through the office of the Dean of the College to help support faculty travel to scholarly conferences and workshops. The Faculty Travel budget is administered by the Associate Deans.
In general, Faculty Travel funds are intended to support faculty in the dissemination of their research or sharing of their professional expertise with colleagues at meetings of professional associations, or at workshops or institutes on a particular topic. The funds are primarily used to support a faculty member’s presentation of a paper at a professional meeting. Service on a panel or as a session chair is also supported as funds allow. Faculty who serve as officers of their professional organizations will also receive consideration for support.
To distribute the available funds as equitably as possible, the Associate Dean may limit a faculty member in the number of trips or total amount of support or both provided from Faculty Travel funds in an academic year or over a period of several years.
As far in advance of your planned travel as possible, find out what support funds are available to you by filling out a Faculty Travel Authorization Form.
Estimate your anticipated expenses and indicate the purpose of your planned travel, including the name and location of the conference. If possible, attach a copy of the program page on which your participation is announced, or the letter confirming your participation if the program is not yet available. Discuss your plans with your department chair. The department chair will sign the form to indicate his/her support for this activity. Send the form, signed by your department chair, to the Dean of the College office.
When estimating expenses, use the following parameters:
- Round-trip to the airport from Northfield = $52.50 (As of January 1, 2025)
- Other mileage = $ .70/mile (As of January 1, 2025)
- Meals = up to $55/day. Itemized receipts must be presented for reimbursement. Alcohol will NOT be reimbursed.
Airfare estimates can be obtained by using any on-line services you find to be convenient while providing a low cost. All other expenses should be estimated based on known costs and best guesses. Don’t forget about taxis, parking and lodging tax.
A signed copy of the form will be returned to you indicating the amount authorized from Deans’ funds in support of your travel (Check with your department for specific procedures for making travel arrangements.). SAVE YOUR FORM for use as your reimbursement request.
Be sure to get ITEMIZED/DETAILED RECEIPTS for any item you will be requesting reimbursement for. It is a good idea to make yourself familiar with the St. Olaf College Travel and Business Expense policy before you travel.
Submit your expenses in Oracle. Be sure to indicate which expenses are to be reimbursed directly to you, and which are on the St Olaf VISA card. Reimbursements will be made only up to the originally authorized amount. Meals will be reimbursed up to $55 per day with detailed original receipts.
If any expenses were paid with a college credit card, simply change the unit number on your St. Olaf VISA statement to “99999” – (DOC Reclass Unit). Be specific in your description, i.e., Fac Travel for (faculty name), dates of travel, city & state.