Beginning in your sophomore year, you may propose an individual major on a subject that permits coherent, in-depth, interdisciplinary study using resources available through the college and that does not duplicate any existing program at the college. It must include an integrative senior project, a web portfolio, and 10 – 12 courses inclusive of IS 392 (the course unit devoted to the senior project in the spring of your senior year).
Typical First-Year Schedule
- FYS 120 or WRIT 120 or Conversation Program
- World Language
- OLE Core/Elective
- OLE Core/Elective
january term
- OLE Core/Elective
- FYS 120 or WRIT 120 or Conversation Program
- World Language
- OLE Core/Elective
- OLE Core/Elective
Additional Information
The Individual Major Program is the academic home for students pursuing self-designed, integrative majors. Students propose a sequence of courses, seminars, independent studies, or experiential learning as the means of pursuing an individual major. Proposals must include:
- A description of the proposed area or topic of study.
- A list of 10-12 courses and other learning experiences, with an explanation of how each contributes to the major.
- A set of questions that will guide studies in the major, including broader questions in the disciplines supporting the major and specific questions related to narrower topics of the major.
- Initial plans for 2-3 potential senior integrative projects
- A summary of the student’s preparation to carry out the proposed major, and a justification of the major as a coherent, integrative academic plan.
- Each proposal must have the support of a faculty academic advisor. The coherence, depth, and feasibility of each proposal are evaluated in a Final Review Consultation (FRC), after which the proposal is forwarded to a faculty committee that gives final approval or returns the proposal for further revision. At the end of the senior year, the student’s work in the major is presented in a public forum.
- Proposals for individual majors may be submitted any time during the sophomore year and the first part of the junior year.
- Recent individual majors include: Archaeology: Culture and Methodology; Nonprofit Mission and Management; Technology Innovation and Civic Development; Disability Studies; International Development; Criminalistics; African Identities in Media and Development; Cognitive Neuroscience: Cells to Systems; Photographic Theory; Global Health Diplomacy; Digital Art and Animation; Studies in Pre-Architecture and Sustainability; Performance Technology and Design; Film Analysis and Criticism; International Human Rights; Sports and Activities Administration; Media and Public Relations: Marketing to Multiple Audiences; English Language Learners in the Elementary Classroom; Politics, Economics and Philosophy.
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Not applicable.
Informational Events
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Center for Integrative Studies: