Engage in the Democratic Process

Every Ole has a place in the democratic process. Identify your cause, start a dialogue, and share your voice.

Register to Vote

"Voting is the cornerstone of democracy, empowering individuals to shape the future, hold leaders accountable, and drive social change. It's not just a right, but a responsibility—a powerful tool for preserving democracy and building a better society."

Your Election Engagment Team

How Can I Get Involved?

Learn about the different ways to participate in elections, on campus or at home, and how to stay civically engaged all year long.

Meet Your Elected Officials

Get to know your current elected officials.

Learn more

Non-U.S. Citizens

Even though you may not be able to vote, there are still many ways to get involved and use your voice!

Learn more

Official Political Policies

Review St. Olaf’s political policies so you can engage in the democratic process.

Learn more

St. Olaf takes part in the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE), an initiative that looks at aggregate election turnout data from more than 1,100 colleges and universities and 10 million student records from all 50 states to better understand college student political learning and engagement in democracy.
You can read more about how the NSLVE results informed our election engagement activities for 2024 in our 2024-25 democratic engagement plan.

Click here for St. Olaf’s full 2022 NSLVE report!



of eligible St. Olaf student voters voted in the 2022 election. The national average was 46%.


of eligible St. Olaf student voters registered to vote in the 2022 election.


of eligible St. Olaf student voters chose to vote absentee or mail-in in the 2022 election.