Writing offers the following advanced coursework to support academic and personal development.
WRIT 211: Topics in Writing
Blending the reading seminar and writing workshop, this course offers advanced practice in critical reading and writing with emphasis on a particular discipline or topic. Students will read and respond critically to a range of writing that may include textbook chapters, popular feature stories, and creative literature. The course emphasizes how writers make and support claims, integrate research, and narrate to communicate effectively in a variety of genres for multiple audiences. Click on course title in the class and lab for more information about the topic for that term. Prerequisite: successful completion of WRR (Writing and Rhetoric) or equivalent credit.
WRIT 237: McNair Research Writing Across the Disciplines
This course prepares McNair Scholars for the rigors of academic writing. Because the enrolled students represent a variety of disciplines, this course serves as a general introduction to writing in research; it is not meant to replace discipline-specific research methods or writing courses. Students read scholarly literature in their disciplines, write a literature review, draft various sections of a research paper, and prepare for a formal poster presentation. Offered every summer.