Standard Data Reports for Department/Program Reviews and Annual Reports
Much of the longitudinal data for use in annual reports and department/program reviews is available via the Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment website, as linked by topic below. Additional reports can be found in the following Google Team Drive G:\Shared drives\Academic Division Reports, available to each associate dean and department/program chair/director. As appropriate, reports are prepared for each primary home department, program, or major, as well as for each Faculty and college-wide; each report named as indicated below. Requests for specific reports not found below can be sent to
- Faculty Resources
- Total number advisees, advisees per faculty by primary home department
- Fac-AdviseeCounts.pdf
- Each faculty member’s courses and enrollments by primary home department
- Fac-CourseEnrollments-byInstructor.pdf
- Each faculty member’s personnel details of hire, promotion, appointments, leaves by primary home department
- Fac-PersonnelDetails.pdf
- Number of faculty members, by appointment type, rank, gender, race/ethnicity
- Teaching FTE, Grant/research FTE, organized activity FTE, administrative FTE by primary home department
- Teaching FTE by program
- Total FTE by home departments, summary by FTE type
- Total number advisees, advisees per faculty by primary home department
- Courses
- Course enrollments, totals per section
- Courses-SectionEnrollmentTotals.pdf
- Enrollments per teaching FTE
- Credits per FTE-byProgram-Faculty.pdf
- General Education credits
- Student credits per GE and/or OLE Core, within each department/program
- Total student credits offered in each specified GE requirement and percent of those credits offered in each program
- Course enrollments, totals per section
- Total student credits offered in each specified OLE Core requirement and percent of those credits offered in each program
- Mean enrollments by Faculty, program and level. Highest and lowest enrollment by Faculty, program and level. Largest 10 and smallest 10 enrolled sections. Lowest enrolled sections: level I under 10; level II under 8; level III under 6
- Department Chairs/Program Directors have access to Grade Distribution Reports for their own department/program within SIS
- Students
- Number of declared majors each year
- Students-MajorsDeclared.pdf
- Interactive tool to select single/double/triple majors or concentrations of interest, with gender and race/ethnicity open in Excel ONLY
- Majors+ConcentrationsAwarded-InteractiveTool – 10 yrs.xlsx
- Majors Awarded by gender, race/ethnicity/citizenship status
- Concentrations Awarded by gender, race/ethnicity/citizenship status
- First Destination Outcomes
- Number of declared majors each year