If you are traveling by air, please remember that security checks at airports are experiencing extra-long waits. If you are flying anywhere, whether domestic or international, be sure to add plenty of extra travel time and arrive to check-in early!
For Domestic Travel:
If you are traveling during a break, even though you won’t go through customs, you can be asked for government-issued documentation regarding your status in the U.S. at any time. Make sure to have the following documents as you travel (NOT in your checked luggage):
- Passport (and an MN State ID or Driver’s License if you have one)
- Current Form I-20 ( with travel signature on the second page)
- Most recent I-94 Arrival Form
- Copy of your current registration from SIS to prove that you are a registered, full-time student.
In case of any emergency during travel contact Caitlin at (507-786-3073)