Thank you for your interest in working in the Biology Department!
The Biology department hires students to work in various capacities within the department, including Animal & Insect Care, Greenhouse work, Office Assistance, Stockroom Assistance, Natural Lands work, Facebook Page editing, and TA positions (see Biology Department Job Descriptions). Open applications can be found on the Student Employment Job Board. Applications are also sent via Google Form to: Biology Majors, Chemistry Majors, and students who have expressed an interest in the Biology Major—three times annually as follows:
- Mid-Spring Semester for the following Fall positions (following registration for Fall courses)
- Late April for Summer positions
- Mid-Fall Semester for the following Interim & Spring positions (following registration for Interim & Spring courses)
For any questions about applying for these positions or getting on the interest lists please email Kathie Towler.
A note about TA positions – It is strongly advised that applicants contact the professor who is teaching the section they want to TA prior to applying. Applicants should have completed and done well in that course. These are not suitable positions for first year students.
Students who have been hired to work in the department will log their hours in the online timecard system (TES). For additional information about student work at St. Olaf College, please go to the student employment page on the St. Olaf website.