Secondary Prevention: An immediate response after sexual violence has been perpetrated. Secondary prevention deals with the short-term consequences of violence; it attempts to reduce the harm to the victims in the immediate aftermath of the violence (e.g. separating the victim and the perpetrator; providing immediate crisis counseling for the victim), and to locate, contain, and address the perpetrators. Secondary and Tertiary prevention can be directed towards “Indicated” audiences, reflecting strategies aimed at individuals who have perpetrated sexual violence or those who have been victimized.
Tertiary Prevention: A long-term response after sexual violence perpetration. Tertiary prevention addresses the lasting consequences of victimization (e.g. by providing ongoing counseling for victims) and the provision of specialized sex offender treatment and management to the perpetrators of sexual violence to minimize the possibility of re-offense. Tertiary prevention also includes intervention in family violence to prevent reoccurrence of the situations and behaviors that cause harm.