Currently Hiring
Writing Tutors
Writing Tutors help students from across the campus achieve their academic writing goals. Writing Tutors spend 6-8 hours per week meeting with the Writing Desk team, developing resources for writing, and staffing the Writing Desk. Tutors help students with written assignments at any stage of the process, from understanding the assignment and planning an approach, through organizing and drafting, to preparing the works cited page and making final edits. This position is ideal for students who are careful, thoughtful readers, empathetic listeners, and reflective writers.
Applications are due January 8, but applications received by November 30 receive priority; new tutors will participate in weekly paid training in the spring semester and begin tutoring the following fall. For more information, please contact Bridget Draxler at
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders
The application for Fall 2025 is now open. Interviews will begin in late February/early March. The following positions are available: Bio 143, Bio 243, Chem 122, Chem 125, Chem 247, Econ 121, Math 120, Math 126, Nurs 310 and Russian 111. SI Leaders are sophomores, juniors and seniors who provide support for students in a variety of different courses. SI Leaders must earn a B+ or higher in the courses they lead in. SI Leaders work 9-10 hours per week.
For more information or questions regarding this position, please contact Mary Doroff (
Academic Tutoring
The application for Fall 2025 is now open. Interviews will begin in late February/early March. The following positions are available: Biology (all levels), Chemistry (all levels), Economics (all levels), French (all levels), Math (all levels), Music (all levels), Nursing (all levels), Physics (all levels) and SDS 164, 172 and 272. Academic tutors are sophomores, juniors and seniors who provide support for students in a variety of different courses. Academic tutors must earn a B+ or higher in the courses they tutor in. Academic tutors work 1-6 hours per week.
For more information or questions regarding this position, please contact Mary Doroff (